It’s time to get serious about CPR

Our Mission: South Australia, it’s time to get serious about CPR

In the world of first aid, timing is everything. But what if we told you that timing could be a life-saving punchline? Welcome to Engage First Aid, where we're on a mission to ensure that everyone in South Australia knows CPR. And yes, we're doing it with a generous sprinkle of humour and storytelling, because, let's face it, saving lives doesn't have to be as mundane as reading an instruction manual.

The Serious Stats and the Seattle Success Story

Cardiac arrest is no laughing matter, and it's one of the leading causes of death globally. But guess what? A little CPR intervention can dramatically boost survival rates. The catch is, not all places are CPR-ready, and that's where we come in.

Consider Seattle, a city with an impressive 62% survival rate in sudden cardiac arrest cases. Australia? 10%. Now, this isn't a joke. Seattle's success is no accident; it's the result of their dedication to being a CPR-friendly community.

Community CPR Education: Seattle has made CPR education accessible to everyone. Schools, workplaces, and community organisations regularly offer CPR training. This widespread education means that more people are prepared to act when it matters most.

Defibrillator Accessibility: The city has also strategically placed automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in public spaces. These devices are crucial for delivering life-saving shocks to restart the heart's rhythm during cardiac arrest.

Empowered Bystanders: Perhaps the most critical element of Seattle's success is its population's willingness to take action. Residents understand the importance of immediate CPR, and they aren't afraid to use their skills when faced with an emergency.

Join the CPR Revolution

Cardiac arrest doesn't discriminate—it can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or health. The key to improving survival rates lies in the hands of everyday heroes like you, armed with the knowledge of CPR.

At Engage First Aid, we want you to join us in our mission. Let's work together to make South Australia a CPR-friendly community, where every resident knows what to do when faced with a cardiac emergency. Together, we can bridge the gap and save lives.

Visit our website >> to learn more about our CPR class and email us at if you are interested in booking in your school, childcare centre, council, sporting clubs, community organisation or workplace in for a CPR class.

Through our CPR classes, we aim to make CPR common knowledge. We provide accessible (we come to you!) and engaging (our qualified trainers are also elite speakers and comedians) training that equips individuals with the confidence to step in when it matters most.


Empowering Teachers: The importance of First Aid training in schools

